Unknownstar’s Weblog

Posts Tagged ‘safety eyes

So I have been ignoring the blog again, I think I relaxed way too much when my dad went away. That and doing something a little strange, I had a star implanted in the back of my hand. The swelling made it impossible to knit or spin or craft anything, I discovered that my left hand is my pouring hand, so making tea just felt funny. It has been nearly 3weeks now though and there is no visable swelling, the star can actually been seen woohoo and I can knit, oh yeah can I knit.
I have finished off another jacket for my friends expectant baby, and I have knitted a hat, it is the Ribba (sorry its a ravelry link) by the talented Woolly Wormhead. The yarn is from Sarah’s shop it the Yoda colourway, and is soooooooooo lovely. I am one of the lucky ones to have scored both yarn and fibre in yoda woohoo

Oh yes in other news, while out on our charity shop travels last week, we found safety eyes. So we bought some and are going to trial them on our creatures, I think we will both still use the handmade buttons as it makes our creatures more unique. But there have been requests for more child friendly ones, so we shall see how they go. The first new creature complete with safety eyes is finished, he just needs a good picture taking day, and I am currently working on another creature too.
Neek and I have been taking about how to do our little give away, we are currently coming up with ideas, and already have some rather cute prizes. It is both of our birthdays next month, so it may be a birthday month give away, I guess we shall just have to wait and see.

double Oh, incase you wanted to see

May 2024

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