Unknownstar’s Weblog

Posts Tagged ‘spinning

I think I spent most of last week asleep or in some sort of daze, I have had some awful bug that has completely wiped me out. This has rendered my spinning and knitting capabilities to nill. My most recent knitting projects have been full of fail.
After getting off to a good start a few weeks ago on some socks, after I turned the heel it all went terribly wrong and I ended up frogging the whole sock.
Take 2… I gave up on that pattern because there was no way of me understanding how on earth it all went wrong, I cast on for some more socks in a different pattern. I was good read the pattern first and everything, it was all going very well, I turned the heel and continued the pattern all was going well. That is until I tried the sock on to figure out how much further I needed to knit before doing the toe decreases. Well that sock that stupid sock is just too small to actually get over my heel ARGH.
Now I figure there is a way out of this, without frogging all my knitting again I will just try it on Sofie, but well it is snug to get over the heel of her foot too. Double ARGH
This is not my only knitting fail, I cast on for a scarf/shawl type thing (note to self not to try something new when your still feeling ill) it was actually going really really well (well after I frogged it once because something enevitably went wrong again). That is until yesterday, perhaps it was kntting at the beach, or perhaps it was the stupid questions I kept getting, something was putting me off. So now 3rows into the lacy part (I figure I have knit at least 60 rows up to this point not including the ones I ripped out) I get all the way to the end of the row, the pattern says to knit (the pattern repeat) until 8 stitches from the end. Do you know what I have, 7 stitches, how do I end up with 7 stitches, the first 2 rows went without a hitch, and now I have 7 stitches not 8.
I figure I can tink back this row to a point where I know it is correct and knit again, but I still end up with 7stitches, where on earth has the other stupid stitch gone too? I really wish I knew, but to be honest I can’t even think straight to figure out how to fix it.
My spinning has gone out the window too, not to my stupidness though, more to do with the fact that I keep sleeping the days away. I was so exhausted after yesterday I was in bed by 9 last night, yet I have still fallen asleep again today and just can not wait to get to bed tonight.

Mothers day how ever was absolutly wonderful, Sofie stayed home with me instead of going to her dads, she made a lovely card, and a smelly thing that is ment to help you sleep. She got Neek to help make me breakfast in bed, and we went to Ogmore for the day, it was lovely, the dog enjoyed herself, Sofie got to collect lots of stones, and Neek got to climb.
and to top it all, we saw free range sheep, honestly, when we left the beach, there were sheep just wondering around. They were outside peoples front gardens, trying to jump walls, and wondering by the parked cars. All in all Mothers day this year was awesome.

I have had a lovely few weeks, and got quite abit done recently. I finished knitting the sloppy joe hat by woollywormhead
I spun up the yarn from the batt that Marianne sent me, I think I matched her spinning quite well. She has opened alittle webshop now selling her batts, I would highly recomend them now I have spun from one of them.
I also knitted some fingerless mitts for James’s (the dude from the climbing center) girlfriend, from some handspun.
this weekend has involved making buttons and stuff
Neek and I are thinking of opening alittle etsy shop to sell our crafty stuff, I have a few more experimental projects to do first but watch this space……….

I had lots of fun yesterday, spinning some beautiful bfl rovings.


I tried dyeing with acid dyes for the first time, on the stove top also for the first time, and im quite happy with my results so far.


And that stupid dreaded second pair of socks is now off the starting block and going pretty well, as of this minute I am about half way through the first sock woop. I can’t wait till they are finished.


Sofie went back to school yesterday, and although she was worried about not being in the same class as Ethan (her boyfriend) all was good. She came home with a cushion he made when he was on holiday in Turkey, it is so cute, and says Sofie love Ethan. She is all happy again, and sees him at breaktimes now

May 2024

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